brigitte nielsen and the jungle

ich bin ein star holt mich hier raus"was geht da los da rein?"

brigitte nielsen - danish model, actress, musician and reality television personality - is in the australian jungle.
will she be voted the future junglequeen of the german television show "ich bin ein star - holt mich hier raus" (i'm a celebrity.. get me out of here)?

brigitte nielsen beim Dschungelcamp 2012according to "bild zeitung" she will become the winner of the sixth season of the popular jungle camp: every day she has been the viewers favorite candidate. that's why she's in the camp now for 14 days. hardly surprising: she represents herself as an amusing, honest and brave person.
yesterday she had to take a jungle quest again. hidden stars between crabs, snakes and cockroaches had to be found in an old airplane. For Brigitte it was a walkover.

Brigitte Nielsen bei der Dschungelprüfungwe'll talk about her anticipated victory later on saturday.

Related links:
see her "bruchlandung" challenge again
article about brigittes supposable victory